Digital Seoul Summit Moderator
Lee Jung-hoon
- Position : Professor
- Organization : Graduate School of Information, Yonsei University, Korea
- Curriculum Vitae
- 2020 ~ Present Director, Center for Digital Transformation Technology Management, Yonsei University
- 2020 ~ Present Member of National Smart City Committee, Ministry of Land, Infrastructure and Transport. Republic of Korea
- 2020 ~ Present Chairman of the Special Committee on Public Data Openness and Utilization, Open Data Strategy Council, Ministry of Interior & Safety, Republic of Korea
- 2020 ~ Present Vice President, The Korea Society of IT Service & Editor in Chief The Korea Journal of IT Service
- 2019 ~ Present Member of Seoul Smart City Committee (Chairman 2018-2020)
- 2018 ~ President-elect, Seoul Digital Foundation
- 2018 ~ President-elect, The Korea Society of Technology Management & Economics / Asian Journal of Technology Innovation (SSCI) Editorial Board Member

KeynoteⅠ : Smart Cities today: transforming global challenges into a better future for all
Pilar Conesa
- Position : CEO
- Organization : Anteverti (Smart City Expo World Congress)
- Curriculum Vitae
- Pilar Conesa is a Smart City pioneer and an advocate of innovation in the successful transformation of businesses. She has held various executive management positions at ICT companies and public organizations for more than 30 years.
She is the founder and CEO of Anteverti, a consulting company that advises private companies, cities and public organizations in the adaptation to new contexts through innovation with a special focus on urban innovation, internationalization and digital transformation. Furthermore, she is the Curator of Smart City Expo World Congress, the most prestigious worldwide event about urban innovation. Pilar is also the Curator of the Smart City Expo events held abroad: Buenos Aires, Curitiba,Mexico, Shanghai o Doha among others. She has led and contributed to Smart City strategy projects with governments and private organizations of Europe, Latin America and Africa.Pilar Conesa is the former CIO of the Barcelona City Council. Other previous positions include Vice President for Public Administration and Health at T-Systems (Deutsche Telekom Group), and executive positions at the Regional Government of Catalonia’s ICT Services and at Barcelona’92 Olympic Games organization committee.
- Abstract
Today, the world is more urban than ever before, and this is increasing every year. According to the United Nations, it is expected that 75% of people will call a city their home in 2050. This progressive concentration of population in cities makes them the synthesis of the main challenges of our world, but, at the same time, a powerful catalyst for all the innovations and transformations that we need to boost at a global level.
At this turning point, however, many questions arise. How can cities create and attract sustainable opportunities while improving people's lives? How can we harness digitalization and technological disruption to make our cities more inclusive and humane while decarbonizing the planet? Which cities are leading —and how— the response to the challenges that will mark our future as humanity? The potential of innovation to undertake all these interlinked missions is enormous and, in her keynote, Pilar Conesa, global pioneer of the Smart City, will highlight the importance of unlocking it from cities while offering inspiring examples to do so successfully.

Keynote Ⅱ : SK Telecom's Vision for the Metaverse
Maeng-seog Yang
- Position : Head of Metaverse Unit CO
- Organization : SK Telecom
- Curriculum Vitae
- 2022.01 ~ Head of Metaverse CO, SK Telecom
- 2021.01 ~ 2021.03Metaverse CO, SK Telecom
- 2020.01 ~ 2020.125GX Business Group, SK Telecom
- 2018.12 ~ 2019.12MNO Business Supporting Group, SK Telecom
- Abstract
The metaverse service has now become a part of the public beyond novelty.
The metaverse service has been developed in various forms from the early game-oriented service, and SK Telecom is providing a new communication experience to the public through the social metaverse service IFLAND.
Based on the IFLAND, various use cases like metaverse meetings are created, , and new occupations appear such as metaverse influencers.
Beyond social communication, metaverse services are going to be increasingly developed, and in the future, they will be combined with various businesses such as commerce, media, and entertainment to be used throughout the lives of the public as the next internet service.
As a pioneer in the metaverse industry, IFLAND is expanding our business on what users can play and enjoy in the metaverse, including an open platform that enables users to make customized avatars/ land content and the economic system used in IFLAND.
From now on, we will introduce SK Telecom's vision to develop IFLAND as the "Metaverse world."

Case Study of Seoul Smart City Policy
Hae Kyeong Lee, Digital Policy Officer
- Position : Director-General for the Digital Policy Bureau
- Organization : Seoul Metropolitan Government
- Curriculum Vitae
- Previous) Director-General, Cultural Infrastructure Task Force
- Previous) Director-General, Walkable City Bureau
- Previous) Director-General, International Affairs Bureau
- Abstract
The Seoul Metropolitan Government is implementing various policies that include digitally vulnerable groups.
The city has long been carrying out various digital policies, including free public Wi-Fi, smart poles, the Ansimi app (Seoul City Relief Service), smart pedestrian crosswalks, to enable all citizens to relish digital policies without discrimination.
In addition, the citizens of Seoul have high digital competence, with Seoul’s smartphone penetration rate and internet penetration rate at 95% and 92.3%, respectively, and the monthly data usage per capita at 25.5GB. Also, the digital service usage rate of seniors is on the rise thanks to the education policy carried out by the Seoul Metropolitan Government to reinforce digital competence.
Excellent smart infrastructure and outstanding competence of its people lead to the increase in the number of people who now desire a new experience beyond reality itself even in the public realm.
Against this backdrop, Seoul planned and developed the “Metaverse Seoul” platform. On this forum, we would like to share Seoul’s “Metaverse Seoul” policy, which includes the digital minority