Kampala is the capital and largest city of Uganda consisting of popultaiton of 1.5 milion, and contributing to 60% of Uganda’s GDP. The city government, Kampala Capity City Authority openly shares “Accomplished, Ongoing, and Future Planned Smart City Programs” as well as its Smart City Strategy.

As we witness the transition in judgment logic from the human visual iden- tification transition to the mechanical one, we mistakenly begin to believe that our responsibilities as an individual will continue to decrease. Of course, it might be true for some cases, but it is definitely not the case with the Civic Participation System. Our advanced Civic Participation System is powered by AI that automatically analyses the categories of public opinion, priori- tizes them and proposes suitable processing standards. Can we then safely assume there is no human involvement at all? Well, that is absolutely not true. The final word in the decision process is still spoken by the individual, because we cannot rule out possibilities of error in the automatic process. Therefore, we can say that we are not substituting one party by the other, but rather creating a new “complementary relationship”. The result is a sig- nificant reduction of time necessary for an individual to make a final judg- ment on a particular case. This is the time that the individual worker can use to focus on his core tasks and responsibilities at work. This is our answer to the increasing working productivity. Smart CPS begins with smart people – the software engineers. CPS, powered by the artificial intellect, is ultimately used by smart people as well.

Humanity lives in a world of unprecedented prosperity. However, the pros- perity has not been made possible without causing several problems of in- equality, pollutions, climate change, eco-system destruction, dissolution of traditional values, etc. To tackle these critical problems, global initiatives like Paris Climate Agreement and SDGs have been devised. In the meantime, it is often claimed that sustainable urban development, which SDG 11 embodies, is essential for the attainment of aforementioned initiatives in that about half of world population currently lives in urban areas and the number will increase further in the coming years. KOICA, Korea’s development aid agency, will make ever-increasing efforts to make cities and human settlements inclusive, safe, resilient and sustainable.