City case

Junghoon LEE / Korean Smart City
- Subject
- Data-Driven Smart City : Chllaenges and Future Perspectives
In recent years, Smart City or Smart City developments have been driven by two global trends. The first is the rollout of ICBM+AI (e.g. IoT, Cloud Comput- ing, Bigdata, Mobility & Artificial Intelligence etc.) services & infrastructure within cities to become data-driven smart city; the second, the need to es- tablish citizen engagement platform & living labs to foster urban and open innovation. Based on 2019 Smart City Index report, this session examines chllaenges and future perspectives to become data-driven smart city.

For the first time, more than half of humanity lives in cities, and the urban population continues to grow. The cities should provide a good environment in which people can enjoy life and live without wasting earth’s resources. This requires an integrated approach to urban development where policy and technology is used to enable innovation, entrepreneurship and opportunity for the sustainable smart city.

Grace Simrall / American Smart City
- Subject
- Creating a World-Class Smart City : the Experience of Louisville, KY
Louisville Metro Government is the catalyst for creating a world-class city that provides its citizens with safe and vibrant neighborhoods, great jobs, a strong system of education and innovation, and a high quality of life. Louis- ville’s Chief of Civic Innovation & Technology Grace Simrall will introduce the city, sharing information and best practices on smart city planning, implementation, and facilitation with a particular focus on energy, connectivity, mobility, and sustainability.

Smart cities, where everything is connected operated based on data, re- quire a great deal of network. Find out how 5G network accommodates and addresses these smart city requirements. Check out some use cases being prepared in Korea.

Companies are intriducing a variety of digital technologies for doigital transport, Gpvernor Lee Younugsoo uses Robotic Process Automation (RPA) to show how a future compant can handle simple tasks with robots and creative task with humans.
Waste Management

According to current estimates by UN, the world may face a 40 percent short- fall in water availability by 2030. The world has limited amount of water and only 1% of the water on Earth is fit for human consumption. The global water crisis is quite a serious issue nowadays and it will become even more seri- ous in a future. Therefore, smart water management counts to be a global priority for the foreseeable future and its sustainability. To effectively deal with water scarcity, Ecolab developed a high-technology tool named ‘Eco- lab Smart Water Navigator’ to monitor water management and generate a guide helping better use/management of water at our customers’ sites.

Envac presents efficient and sustainable solutions of automated waste han- dling system for Smart City. Mr. Kim will go through the challenges of con- ventional waste management systems and suggest how we can solve these challenges. At the same time, Envac will also suggest an improved and au- tomated waste collection system that will meet the new demands from the cities.
Smart Energy

It would share global references which show how to establish smart energy management eco-system with collaborative partnership and what’s required to realize the vision.

Working Towards a New Smart Energy Framework will identify technology that is currently available in the market that produces, stores, measures, controls and manages energy within the context of a Smart Cities framework. However, business practices and sociopolitical constraints prevent smart energy technology from reaching its full potential. Scott will identify the need for a new Smart Energy Framework that will ensure privacy and security for building owners and provides tangible benefits that compels building owners to “buy-in” to the new Smart Energy Framework.
Smart Mobility

Growing population, changes in consumption, air quality and noise are few of the challenges of current and future cities. Trucks are a part of the prob- lem today, but it can be part of the solution. Electromobility has started and this is only the beginning of possibilities.

Potential of Shared Last-mile Mobility for Seoul City will share how citizens have been using shared last-mile mobility, so called e-scooter/kickboard, to commute, travel, entertain and share their stories. With the speaker's own personal experience with last-mile mobility, this session will provide key reasons why people, especially startup employees, love riding last-mile mobility, and he will also share core benefits of riding the new transportation option for the smart city. The presenter suggests measures on how we can make collaborative efforts for the safer riding culture and etiquette of last-mile mobility